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     Company History

    휴셈은 걸어온 길 만큼 성장해 나가고 있습니다.


    안전보건 경영시스템 ISO 45001 인증
    Obtained Safety and Health Management System ISO 45001 Certification


    Moved Head Office (Bundang).
    Participate in the SEMICON Korea/SEMICON China/SEMICON Japan.
    분당 본사 확장 이전. SEMICON Korea/SEMICON China/SEMICON Japan 참가.


    Established Husem Japan Corporate.
    Developed Multi-Channel Controller (12,16,24,32CH TYPE).
    Participate in the SEMICON Korea.

    휴셈재팬 법인설립.
    다채널 컨트롤러 개발 (12,16,24,32CH TYPE). SEMICON Korea 참가.


    Established Husem China Corporate.
    Obtained CE ( For PTFE Heater Jacket ).
    Obtained MAINBIZ Certification.

    중국법인 설립. CE 인증 획득 ( PTFE Heater Jacket 부문 ). MAINBIZ 인증 획득.


    Achieved Two million US dollars in annual exports.
    Obtained ISO9001/14001.
    Incorporated as HUSEM Co., Ltd.
    Completed new Factory and moved to larger Facility.

    연간수출액 200만불 달성. ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 인증 획득.
    주식회사 휴셈으로 법인전환. 신축공장 준공 및 본사확장 이전.


    Developed Heating Jackets based on PTFE.
    PTFE 기반 Heater Jacket 개발.


    Foundation of HUSEM in Yongin-Si, Gyeonggi-Do.
    Contracted parts for Semiconductor Equipment
    with Hynix Semiconductor Inc. & JUSUNG Engineering.
    Started to export parts of Semiconductor Equipment
    to HYNIX Semiconductor( China ) Ltd.
    ( Silicon RBR, Type Heater jacket, & etc. )( Silicon RBR, Heater Jacket Module Type )

    회사설립( 경기도 용인시 소재 ). 하이닉스반도체, 주성엔지니어링 반도체장비
    부품 공급 수리계약 체결. 하이닉스반도체( China ) 장비 Parts 수출개시
    ( Silicon RBR. Type Heater jacket, & etc. )( Silicon RBR Heater Jacket Module Type )

    Homepage Renewal.
    Transfer and Extension of Icheon site office.
    New building construction and open of Busan site.
    자사 홈페이지 Renewal. 이천 사이트 확장/이전(2.28). 부산 사이트 신축/이전(11.2)

    Obtained SEMI S2 report for Temp Controller & Heat Jacket.
    Extended Busan Plant.
    Participate in the SEMICON Korea/SEMICON China.

    SEMI S2 인증 획득(Temp Controller & Heat Jacket).
    부산공장 확장. SEMICON Korea/SEMICON China 참가.

    Extended Busan Manufacture Plant.
    부산공장 증설.

    Achieved Three Million U.S dollars in annual exports.
    Established R&D Center.
    Industrial-Educational Cooperation with Dong-A Univ.

    연간수출액 300만불 달성. 기술연구소 설립( R&D Center ). 동아대학교 산학협력 체결.

    Registered in SK Hynix as a cooperative firm.
    SK 하이닉스 1차 정식협력업체 등록.

    Moved HQ to Icheon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do for expansion of business.
    Developed Individual Controller for Heating Jacket.

    경기도 이천시 소재 본사 이전. Individual Controller 개발( Heater Jacket ).